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Farmland Living: A new way to live


At least three generations ago, farmlands were passed on from generation to generation as an heirloom, living around the farm was considered a norm, and farmland was considered the most valuable property. The knowledge to manage a farm was also passed down as valuable information.

Up until two decades ago, living around the farm was considered not so mainstream, people moved to live around concrete structures. When the fatigue of living around concrete structures hit, people of this generation jumped on to the idea of living around farmlands, started buying farmlands, and started investing their hard-earned money in a lifestyle that was followed by their forefathers.

Why Farmland Living?

Why has farmland living, which was considered such a passe two decades ago, suddenly been considered an option for living and monetary investment?

We at Karnasree Farm Meadows believe that farmlands offer plenty of capital benefits, i.e. a higher value for the money you invest, bigger yields from the crop sale, and stronger portfolio diversification, among many others.

This generation of the high earning working class wants to live around a vast expanse of farmlands that nests never seen plantations like apple orchards, sandalwood, and teakwood trees, offering a lifestyle. There are many reasons the current generation wants to live this way.

Farmlands projects like Karnasree Farm Meadows offer plenty of options when it comes to living a comfortable life. The high-functioning working sector always looks for an ideal peaceful space to carry on their work-from-home duties and surround themselves with quietness making it a perfect home away from home. They constantly spend time in the crowd, pollution, and noise which makes them crave some tranquility that is inclusive of amenities that benefits them daily, without having to miss the fast pace of city life.

Karnasree Farm Meadows offers a vast stretch of farmlands that not just offer physical amenities for the convenience of investors like you but render a sense of stillness and hush by surrounding the entire stretch with lush greenery in the form of plantations, agriculture-themed farm club, village-style sports grounds, spice garden, and thick forest.

All of these and many others contribute to an attraction toward farmland living. Farmland living comes across as a comprehensive solution, an answer to every question, and a solution that enhances the lifestyle significantly.

The feel of a village provided by farmland reduces stress by many folds but the earning opportunities don’t reduce. Most of the technology-backed jobs are currently in work-from-home mode, and a farm space atmosphere provided by Karnasree Farm Meadows has made remote working easy by adjoining the property with nature bringing a sense of comfort during the peak work hours.

The basic economics of agro realty projects like ours is we manage the farmlands. The residents will not just benefit from the managed farmlands, but they will be surrounded by a spirit of village life which is inclusive of old–school water areas for swimming, and nature trekking for the property is surrounded by lush forest and lead an unrushed lifestyle.

An upgraded lifestyle such as this is a bigger need than the need to escape.

Importance of Farmland living.

Farmland living is important for practical reasons such as its positive impact on water, energy, waste management, air pollution, biodiversity, and climate change. Karnasree Farm Meadows agrees with the above-mentioned changes that farmland brings to the ecological cycle. Here we contribute in our way to bring about a change by preserving the water table, reducing carbon footprint, usage of the rainwater drainage system, and encouraging residents to grow vegetation of their choice and indulge in organic eatables.

Living in farmland is challenging but Karnasree ensures to make your life around vast vegetation is made easy. If you enjoy sunrises, there is a spot to soak it up; if you are into long walks, there is a track for that too; and a space for the elderly parents to sit and enjoy. Add this to the plenty of thoughtful amenities which bring a sense of country life, making farmland living important and successful.

Karnasree Farm Meadows pushes the boundaries of the lifestyle they want this generation to adapt to by offering one-of-a-kind farmland living surrounded by thoughtfully chosen amenities that adds value to a life amongst the green farmlands. We make sure this investment will give them higher returns in the form of emotional and monetary benefits. Karnasree Farm Meadows believes in the idea of people being able to own farm spaces, which will form a sense of attachment to their roots.

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